Many law firms. A strong network.

Webinars for medium-sized law firms

For law firms
DIRO for DIRO Webinars

Webinars and training for medium-sized law firms.

In today's digital world, further training is essential for companies to stay up to date and competitive. This also applies to medium-sized law firms, which are confronted with the challenges of digital transformation and the constantly changing legal landscape.

Webinars are a great way to expand your expertise outside of the legal industry without having to leave your office.

Our free webinars are specifically tailored to the needs of mid-sized law firms. We cover all the important topics that you need in your day-to-day work - law-specific and industry-independent. From further training including FAO certification to marketing practices for your law firm's image.

Advantages of webinars for medium-sized law firms

The benefits of webinars for medium-sized law firms are numerous. Here are just some of the benefits you can expect:

  • Flexibility

    You can take part in webinars and training courses from anywhere and do not have to limit yourself to a specific location.

  • Time efficiency

    You can tailor your training courses to your schedule, ensuring that you stay up to date even in hectic times.

  • Expert knowledge

    You will have access to expert knowledge and expertise that will help you to improve your skills and knowledge.

  • Network possibilities

    You have the option of linking up with other law firms in the network.

Our offer

DIRO for DIRO webinars for medium-sized law firms

Our network thrives on exchange and contact with each other. That's why we launched the free DIRO for DIRO webinar series, which has become well established.

The format: 1-2 hours, virtual, preferably at lunchtime, with time to exchange ideas with colleagues from the network.

The range of topics is broad and includes non-legal topics as well as legal training. Speakers are colleagues from the network, from other DIRO law firms or external speakers who we select and brief specifically.

We have already covered these topics

  • Search engine optimized writing

  • The paperless office with special consideration of the processes in a notary's office

  • Basics and possible errors in speed measurement

  • Advertising with words - podcasts in the legal market!

  • Introduction to the Drooms data room

  • Online appointment scheduling @ Calenso - advantages and implementation in your law firm

  • Investing in India and China

  • Sustainability for law firms - goals, strategies and measures suitable for everyday use

  • 4-day week - opportunities, challenges and implementation options in law firms

  • Working with RA-Micro

  • The new Supply Chain Due Diligence Act

  • Quality management training

  • Doing Business with the United States

  • Working with text modules

  • Environmental management and environmental certification

  • Controlling in the medium-sized law firm

  • Cyber security and IT audits: Making IT security measurable

  • 5 recruiting tips for medium-sized law firms

  • News from German restructuring and insolvency law

  • Corporate law in transition

  • M&A in the SME sector

Become a DIRO law firm and benefit from our events

If you are an independent law firm and would like to participate in our DIRO for DIRO webinars, become a member of our network now. Membership gives you access to a dedicated network of colleagues, professionals and experts from different countries and areas of law.

Our member law firms benefit from our webinar series and have access to all free webinars and our events. Please contact us for more information.

Find out more and become a member