Many law firms. A strong network.

Career change into law

For law firms
Career change into law

Qualification of skilled workers in cooperation with bfw - Unternehmen für Bildung

Career change into law - what is it?

The legal market is in full employment. Vacancies remain unfilled, training groups for paralegals are shrinking or are being merged regionally in wide areas. In addition, fewer and fewer young people are considering vocational training.

At the same time, the market is undergoing a comprehensive transformation. Jobs are being cut in other sectors, and the major wave of insolvencies is also hitting large and traditional companies. This means that well-trained employees are being released into a labor market where qualified specialists are in demand, but where there may be barriers to entry.

We want to exploit this potential. Together with our cooperation partner bfw, we have developed a program in which we address career changers or people returning to work, provide them with the right qualifications in a short space of time and retain them in the company in the long term.

For medium-sized law firms, lateral entry means:

1. Recruiting

We give you access to the target groups.

Recruiting today is more than just a job advertisement. In an employee market, other factors determine whether law firms are perceived as attractive employers. Together with our partners, we support you with an ideal career website, landing pages with advertising, social recruiting and joint marketing activities.

2. Qualification

We qualify people while they work.

Together with our cooperation partner bfw, we have developed a modular training concept for career changers. The in-service training takes place virtually and can be started at any time and from anywhere. In 9-12 months, career changers are given a tailor-made qualification in live modules.

3. Further education

We ensure sustainability by thinking about further training.

Sustainable HR management does not end with the completion of further training. Law firms also benefit from an appreciative learning culture and professional development. Together with our cooperation partner bfw, we develop a comprehensive further training concept for employees in law firms.

Targeted qualification of career changers - practical training for successful integration

Our cooperation partner

bfw - Company for education

bfw designs solutions for people and companies in change processes. For almost 70 years, the bfw group of companies has been a strong partner for securing jobs for people through training and consulting at over 200 locations. In this way, solutions are designed for companies and individuals to create added value.

Many of bfw's further training courses are certified, so we can show you a wide range of funding opportunities . We will be happy to advise you.

Learn more

Why should you choose our DIRO offer?

  • Innovative diversity:

    Lateral entry enables a more diverse employee base that brings in different perspectives and ideas, which leads to more creative solutions.

  • Specialist knowledge enrichment:

    Lateral entrants give the team a broader range of specialist knowledge, which helps to overcome complex tasks and challenges.

  • Targeted development of potential:

    Employee development recognizes individual strengths and offers tailor-made development paths to make the most of each individual's potential.

  • Long-term commitment:

    A strategic retention strategy promotes employee loyalty, reduces fluctuation and saves costs for repeated recruitment in the long term.

  • Competitive advantage:

    A diverse workforce, targeted support and a high level of employee loyalty enhance the company's reputation and make it more attractive for top talent.

  • Motivated workforce:

    Targeted employee development and further training show employees that their development is valued, which leads to greater motivation and commitment.

Our services

Contact without obligation

Let us talk to you! Arrange a non-binding consultation with DIRO & bfw at:

Honest requirements analysis

What do you really need? Together, we determine the specific needs of your law firm and create a tailor-made and transparent offer.

Ongoing cooperation

We are also happy to provide your law firm with ongoing support in the areas of recruiting, training and further education for sustainable solutions.